Neck Lift

A Neck Lift Surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes localized fat deposits on the neck under the skin correcting muscle laxity and reducing signs of ageing. It helps rid the neck and jawline of wrinkles giving you an energetic and youthful appearance.

Do you need a Neck Lift?

If you have excess fat along with adequate sagging skin and muscle tone on your neck, a neck lift will help attain better contour and youthfulness to your face. Neck lifts especially when done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, can make your face appear much younger, energetic and more vibrant.

Ideal Candidates

If you are otherwise in good health without active diseases or serious preexisting medical conditions a neck lift could be ideal to make you look and feel years younger.


Your surgeon will first assess your anatomy and desired results before finalizing the exact procedure. Generally, a small incision is made beneath the chin and excess fat is removed by excising it or through liposuction. A small amount of skin is then removed tightening the skin around the neck.

Enhancing the Procedure

A neck lift is often done together with other procedures such as a Face Lift or with rhinoplasty to best achieve youthful proportions. Chin surgery done alongside may also be recommended with a neck lift to help enhance a youthful profile.


Schedule a consultation today by calling +91 994 621 9857